Deuteronomy 13

I know that reading the Bible every day really helps me, in every area of my life; however, sometimes I allow life to get in the way, which happened over the past few weeks.  In those weeks, I have re-connected with and talked to healers, shamans, energy workers, dream interpreters and have been asked if I was still doing the healing work that I used to do.  This is an area that I have had some amazing experiences in that defy any rational explanations, and an area that I continue to feel called to.  When I became a Christian, I began to question whether this healing that I stumbled upon many years ago “fit” into what I was learning about Christianity.  I prayed about it and asked for discernment, guidance and support if this was indeed part of my path, and to give me insight around the friends I have re-connected with.  I felt the connections were happening for a reason, but was a bit confused on what everything meant.  Shortly afterwards, I received the most amazing and comforting messages, from people I know, like and trust.

This morning I felt a huge inner push to read the Bible.  It was a push that was hard to ignore.  I opened it up to where I left off:  Deuteronomy 13 – and I was blown away!

1-3: “If a prophet or someone who has dreams arises among you and proclaims a sign or wonder to you, and that sign or wonder he has promised you comes about, but  he says ‘Let us follow other gods’, which you have not known, and let us worship them, do not listen to that prophet’s words or to that dreamer.  For the Lord your God is testing  you to know whether you love the Lord you God with all your heart and all your soul.”

In the notes it said, “The genuineness of prophets and dreamers cannot be determined by their ability to perform a sign or wonder, but by their commitment to the Lord and their faithfulness in proclaiming his word.   The message mush validate the works of signs and wonders, and not the reverse.  The dreamer’s remarkable ability may originate with the Lord himself to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul.  Not all such manifestations are from Satan, for the Lord desires to reveal who truly knows and loves him that others might know the true character of those whom they are called to follow.  A person can profess to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength, but sometimes only severe testing can authenticate the testimony.

4:  “You must follow the Lord your God and fear him.”  To love the Lord is to fear him, to fear him is to love him, and proof of both is obedience.

The second part of the chapter deals with Idolatry.  Loyalty to the Lord outweighs loyalty to any other person, family members included.  Mt 10:37 “The one who loves a father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.”  If wicked men lead the inhabitants of their city astray, other individuals or households will become contaminated.

I am following the path that I feel led towards, and guided and supported on.  Am I checking in during encounters with others to discern feelings, possible judgments, my own fears and insecurities and to lay my mind down and allow my heart to follow where I am led?  I absolutely love God, but do I fear him?  Am I loyal to God, or have I leaned on the idols of the world when I’m stressed, frustrated or bored?