Food, Friendship and Fellowship

We enjoy all the wonderful people we meet on Saturdays sharing uplifting conversations over a healthy meal. Last week I had several people send me a video that was shared on the Today Show about Mobile Loaves & Fishes, a tiny home community in Austin Texas that provides shelter and community for those who are unhoused.  I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have watched the video and have been praying that one day we will be able to do something very similar!  We had two different individuals donate 4 loaves of bread each that week and made sandwiches out of those loaves – and watched the faces of those we serve light up and comment on how much they liked the sandwiches!

Loaves of BreadSandwiches made with loaves of bread

Four of those loaves, along with a case of bananas was donated by NutritionFitNC, a wonderful organization that offers FREE group fitness classes, FREE online exercise videos and FREE fruits and vegetables.  They enjoyed the bananas just as much as they did the sandwiches!  This week, we had a wonderful gifting by Linda of different snacks that we can add to the bags we hand out!  My son Cameron commented on how lucky the folks we meet are when I opened my trunk and he saw all the boxes of snacks!  We are so appreciative of all the items that are donated to us each week!  Thank you to everyone who has donated items for the lunch bags!  We appreciate you all!

We decided to continue with the loaves this week and into the future.  When we first started handing out sandwiches last year, we handed out ten each week.  This quickly moved up to 20 lunch bags a week and today, we made 28.  Each bag contains a turkey (or vegan sandwich), a bag of chips, fresh soft fruit, a bottle of water and Propel electrolytes.  We rotate between bananas and oranges for fruit.  This week, we made up bags of fresh strawberries and blueberries – and they loved it!

Loaves for sandwichesTurkey SandwichesWrapped SandwichesStrawberries & Blueberries





Before we head out to hand out the lunch bags we have an interactive Bible Study at Bojangles.  We met a young man today that someone brought in, who had questions and wanted to talk more in depth with someone about Christianity.  One of the questions he asked is how to know if he is on the right path.  He shared that he is a good person, cares about and helps others and felt like that would bring him an eternal life after death.  Gene shared some of the basics of the Christian faith with him, letting him know that he is sharing it from an educational perspective and not trying to shove Christianity at him.  I shared a little about my path to Christianity, and the beliefs I used to have that were very similar to his, and how that has changed after learning about Christ. He asked Tanya about her path to Christianity and enjoyed hearing how strong her faith was at a young age.  He seemed to enjoy the interactive conversation and asked a lot of questions.  I do like the interactive discussions we have on Saturdays, that offers a safe space to share questions and answers without judgment!

We then discussed the story of Ruth from the Bible and the importance and meaning of a Kinsman Redeemer – a male relative in the times of the old testament, who had the responsibility to help a relative in need or danger, and how Boaz and Jesus are the best examples of kinsman-redeemers in Scripture (from Hope Bolinger on 12/15/20).

We made our way to the bus stop and handed out the sandwich bags prior to, during and following several downpours.  I had a lady recognize me from a few weeks back when we got caught in a similar downpour – she recognized me with soaking wet clothes and hair – I love that I can be myself around them, talk, laugh and have a good time – even if I’m soaking wet!  While we were all huddled underneath the bus shelter as we watched the rain coming down so fast it was creating very fast rivers flowing in the street to the drains, we had a wonderful time talking, laughing and getting to know one another!  They were very grateful for the sandwich bags and a few asked for a 2nd bag.  We had a wonderful gentleman ask if we wanted to sit on the bench to get out of the rain.  I mentioned that I like to stand up in case someone comes by who would like a sandwich bag as it is easier to walk over to the coolers and put together the bags. He then offered to go into Wal-Mart to get us rain gear.  I found out they wanted to do something for us.  One of the ladies who was there was sharing a story of putting money in a vending machine and having it dispense two drinks – Mountain Dews.  I shared that I also like Mountain Dew, and she pulled out the second drink and handed it to me.  That was one of the sweetest gift I have received.  She shared her heart with me!

I’m so looking forward to all the wonderful people and conversations we will have next week!