Looking for a New Home

We received a call today from the landlord of BC. Unfortunately, where he is staying is not a good fit.  Due to his health, BC needs to be on the first floor, in an environment without cigarette smoke, and with fewer roommates. We are on the search for such a place, closer to the Bojangles where he enjoys hanging out and ministering to others, and closer to his doctor.

Initially I was saddened that there was not a happier ending to his story at this present time.  I thought that if we got someone off the street, that was a good thing.  I realized that the work does not stop there.  There are old habits that continue and take time to for the individual to work through.  Just because it is a home and gets them off the streets does not mean it is an answer to getting them back on their feet.  It is a start; however.  A start to have conversations that go above and beyond everyday survival.  It is much easier to begin working on oneself when the worry of being out in harsh elements and basic survival needs are met.

Finding a home for someone who has been living on the streets is the first step in growth, not the end. We have learned quite a bit in the last 8 months and can use that information to now find a better living situation for BC so that he can continue on his journey of growth and stability.

It has allowed our Outreach to see potential conflicts that may arise in the future, and how to set boundaries to better protect our mission and those we serve. It is a community that we are building, and within that community exists many individuals, all with quite different and unique personalities.  Although they do tend to look out for one another, and I do believe if one individual was experiencing a life trauma, hearts would be open and that individual would be surrounded with love; there is conflict, just as we all experience within our own family units.

Initially, the call from the landlord felt like a failure.  How could something that was intended to lift someone up come crashing down?  It then dawned on me – it is not crashing.  It is evolving.  We are looking forward to what God has in store for BC’s next step!